Trading Q&A

Please post any questions on trading shares here

Monday, December 05, 2005

5 Dec 05, 17:54stockpile: Further to my earler question, what are some of the counters you feel bullish about? Tech stocks,banks. Looks like some of these counters are gearng for another push, perhaps.

Ans: If you want to know my current analysis of the market, please follow my growmoney blog too! : ) There I provide after market post mortem.

5 Dec 05, 17:24stockpile: Is it time to load upon shares now if one has some spare cash, since the market is quiet??

Ans: I wouldn't recommend buying blindly. Always differentiate between trading or investing.

5 Dec 05, 14:10yoyo: decipher, what are the advantages of married deal over buying/selling in open market?

Ans: Married deals are done privately and the price is not according to the exact buy/sell queue. Normally it's done at a discount to current price.

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