Trading Q&A: Stocks in tight range, holding period

Please post any questions on trading shares here

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Stocks in tight range, holding period

Keep the questions coming guys and gals!

30 Nov 05, 01:17Quest: in other words, if you decide to hold a position in a stock but the stock refuses to make any significant moves, how do you decide when to close the position?

Ans: If I am trading, volume plays a part in my decision to sell. Typically, I look out for strong volume but unable to break highs for 2 straight sessions. Shooting star or a big down day with volume. This is my trading system, it's only for your reference. If I see a better breakout signal and no cash. :P

If I am investing, I will only sell if I see big bear market coming just like 2002.

30 Nov 05, 01:16Quest: if a stock price goes into a tight trading range, how does one decide the holding period?

Ans: It is anybody's guess when it will breakout. No T.A will be able to pin point accurately. You just have to learn to watch the volume. Chartered is a recent example of a few tight sessions before the breakout today. You can check my Chart request blog for the chart.

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